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Cruising Program

Below are the “formal cruises” for 2024 that will have float plans.  Details of each cruise will be finalized approximately one month before shoving off and a “Notice of Cruise” will be sent requesting an RSVP.  Please block the dates off if you may be interested in taking part!  Input about the timing, location, and most importantly, knowledge about the areas, including good marinas, restaurants, inns, and the like are WELCOMED!  Additionally, there will also be impromptu over-nighters on our nearby waters. Announcements will be made as soon as anyone gets the over-night itch!


For more information, contact Bill Fry, Cruising Committee Chair.


2024 Cruising Dates and Locations

  • May 6-9: Lower Potomac Cruise

  • July 10-16: Three-way Cruise to Kilmarnock

  • September 5-11: Explore the Eastern Shore


May 6 to 10: Lower Potomac Cruise including Day Trippers

We will explore the wonderful Lower Machodoc Creek, Coan, and Yeocomico Rivers.  This cruise plan for the nearby waterways was crafted specifically to encourage “Day Trippers” to join afternoon activities - permitting for late morning arrivals and late afternoon departures to support getting day boaters home before dark.  For the boaters that plan to overnight, the first night will be at anchor inside Lower Machodoc Creek.  The second night will be at Olverson’s Marina on Lodge Creek at the end of the Yeocomico River.  We are planning an early dinner at wonderful Cygnets Restaurant – a short four-mile ride in Olverson’s loaner cars.  The third night, will be at the Coan River for an afternoon nap, a game of “Sands” (private joke), and quiet anchorage.  Each run is less than 20 miles long and with nice weather a great trip during the day for other boaters to join in.


July 10 to 16: Three Way Cruise to Kilmarnock

In July, we cruise to the Kilmarnock VA.  This has become a fabulous and almost traditional weekend for the SMRYC.  Boaters take advantage of the cruising the Chesapeake to Indian Creek, staying at the local marina with numerous amenities – the Chesapeake Boat Basin.  This event occurs in July from Friday through Sunday, July 12, 13, 14.  Blocking off the three days before these dates and two days after the dates, cruisers can plan leisurely trips to and from the weekend events and fulfill our obligation of using two of the three ways to get there (power and sail versus auto).


September 5 to 11: Explore the Eastern Shore

This cruise will be designed to explore parts of the Easter Shore.  Perhaps venturing as far south as Onancock (48 miles from St. Inigoes Creek), we will cruise north into Tangier Sound.   A combination of anchorages and marinas will be planned. Shall we take our bikes for afternoon rides?

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© 2018 by St. Mary's River Yacht Club

PO Box 6, St. Mary's City, MD 20686

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