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Social Activities

Although we do not have a formal clubhouse, we don’t let that stand in the way of getting together in a number of ways on a regular basis year-round! 


The club has a robust social schedule with nine racing events and social gatherings to follow. During the racing season, members meet for after-racing events we call rendezvous.  The rendezvous are a time to socialize, compare notes over the day’s races and celebrate our history. Members actively participate in hosting and co-hosting these events. New members are quickly integrated into the club through these events.  No need to have raced to show up.  All are welcome to attend and share the stories of the day’s races, eat, drink and best of all, enjoy time together.  There are relationships that go back generations!


The nine scheduled races pay homage to our history and have permanent trophies, named for past members who made substantial contributions to the club or for St Mary’s River locations significant to our history.  One of the races is in conjunction with our partner, St. Mary’s College, and for that event the sailing team and other students are invited to join us on the race course and at the following picnic. It is one of three larger post-race gatherings during the racing season.  Once all have had a chance to freshen up and the results are tabulated, the rendezvous which follows this event is a great celebration with the students who participated joining us along with the Sailing Team Coaches.  This collaborative gathering is one of the highlights of the summer rendezvous.


We also hold three more formal gatherings during the year. During the “gloom period” in January each year, we gather for a Winter Social for celebration of the past year including an awards ceremony and preparation for the events in the coming season.  Separate from the racing activities, we also have two more formal business meetings, one in the Spring and the other in the Fall, that are also major social events.


Once the sailing season has ended the camaraderie continues with frequent Happy Hours at the Green Door in Park Hall.  In sum, we are a group that enjoys our frequent time together in many ways!


The Early Bird Race in April heralds the beginning of our summer events.


Find out how to join in the fun and meet a wonderful group of people!


See the 2024 calendar below.




SMRYC Happy Hour


Every 2nd and 4th Friday at the Green Door

Park Hall, Maryland 

5 - 7 p.m.

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